Project co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Competitiveness Operational Program 2014-2020 - "Investing for Your Future"
New laboratories:
Laboratory of advanced methods for polymers and nanomaterials processing (LMAPPN)
Laboratory of nonconventional techniques ultrasounds/ microwaves developed as new methods for biomaterials synthesis (LUSMW)
Laboratory of high performance tissular investigation (LITIP)
Laboratory of Nanostructured Surfaces Engineering and Biomimetism (LISNB)
Laboratory of intelligent systems for controlled release (LSIEC)
Laboratory of complex fluids and microfluidics (LFCM)
Laboratory of nanostructurated components for biomedical sensors (LCNSB)
Laboratory of complex imagistic analysis (LAIC)
Laboratory of complex analyses and advanced characterization of biomolecules, biomaterials, nanomaterials, bio-nano-composite materials (LCABBNB)
Laboratory for testing and advanced mechanical characterization of materials (LTCMAM)
Modernized laboratories:
Laboratory of laser radiation - substance interaction (LILS)
Laboratory for ionizing radiation measurement and applications (LaMAR)
Laboratory of holographic imagistic and processing (HoloProImag)
Laboratory of investigation and characterization in micro- and nano-domain through nonconventional and noninvasive techniques (LICDMNTNN)
Laboratory of impact analysis of nanomaterials with medical applications on environment (LNM)
Laboratory for advanced characterization of morphological and electrochemical properties (LCAPME)